Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm definitely of the "Friends" generation and I've pretty much seen every episode more times that I should admit. When the show was airing live...I was about the same age as the characters and me along with all my 'friends' never missed a Thursday night airing. In those days we didn't have DVR' it possible that life with out DVR's can already be referred to as 'back in the day', I suppose it is. And for those that may be wondering....I'm a slightly less OCD version of Monica...and slightly less skinny.

So while all the friends on "Friends" hung out at Central and my friends hung out at Wings and Things. It was a little wing dive in downtown Salt Lake and we would often meet there after work to eat, have a drink, and sometimes play pool. Ok, so I never played pool...I suck at it...but the guys often did. Except for the one time that Nate made me try and after a few minutes of foolishness, he laughed and agreed that I suck. My self esteem is still recovering. But I digress...

It was around this time that I began my obsession with the spicy hot chicken, cool blue cheese dressing, carrots, celery combination. I still love it and it still takes me back to those days...those fun friend days when we were all trying to figure out life, struggling to make it in our careers, trying to find love, and dreaming about our futures. Those were some good days!

A couple years ago on a trip to downtown Salt Lake, I tried to take my husband to Wings and Things for a little journey down memory lane...I was sad to learn that it had closed. So this recipe is dedicated to Wings and Things and all the good memory's conjured up with the taste of spicy chicken and cool blue cheese dressing.

(Recipe adapted for Mindika Moments from Martha Stewart Every Day)

¼ C. crumbled blue cheese (or Gorgonzola)
½ C. sour cream (you can use low fat)
1 t. lemon juice
1 t. Bon Appétit Seasoning (If you can’t find this seasoning or don’t want to buy it, you can substitute a dash of Celery Salt, Onion Powder, Salt & Pepper)
2 small boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Salt & Pepper
1 T. butter; melted
¼ C. hot sauce (such as Franks)
carrots; shredded
celery; diced or julienned
4 tortilla shells

1. In a small bowl, combined the blue cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and Bon Appétit seasoning. Stir to combine, set aside.
2. Cut the chicken into bite size pieces or thin strips. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. In a non-stick skillet cook with a little olive oil until cooked through. (Time may very depending on the thickness and size of your chicken.)
3. While the chicken is cooking combine the melted butter and hot sauce in a small bowl.
4. When the chicken is done, take out of the skillet and toss in the hot sauce mixture. (If you’re sensitive to heat, you can skip this step and just drizzle the hot sauce mixture over the chicken as your assembling the wrap. This will allow you to control the amount of heat.)
5. Assemble the wraps as follows:

Blue Cheese Dressing
(Hot Sauce if you haven’t already coated the chicken in it)
Shredded Carrots

6. Roll up and devour…makes about 4 good size wraps.

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