So if there's anyone out there that's still reading...I didn't think so.
But just for the heck of it, I thought I'd check in anyway. I know it's been a very long time, with no explanation, and for that I'm truly sorry. Changing from mommy of one to mommy of two has had a bigger impact on my life than I thought it would. It's not that I'm that much busier, it's just that my focus and priorities have changed dramatically. I told myself that I would never let this blog get in the way of being the kind of mom I want to be, and unfortunately that meant my blog suffering at the hand of mommy-hood.
I've put off giving any kind of update, because I kept thinking I'd somehow find a way to "do it all", but that's just not happening. And on top of that I started a new, fairly intense, diet that will now prolong any creative cooking for an even longer period of time. Especially if I'm as faithful as I plan to be, for as long as I plan to be. The good news is that the diet is working and I'm already down 8 pounds...with about 70 to go. And I'm gonna do it this time. It's different this time. I know myself and I always know when I'm really ready for change...and now's the time.
About seven years ago I weighed as much as I do now...exactly what I weigh now, and felt this same way; with the same motivation. I started an intense diet at exactly this time of year and with a lot of hard work and motivation I lost 80 lbs. in 8 months. Now I'm not sure I'll be able to do it that fast this time. I'm a different person now...with a husband and kids, and a very different body. In the past 4 years I've had 2 successful pregnancies and 4 miscarriages and a lot of bed rest...this body has changed. I probably won't have the time to work out 2 hours a day like I did then (oh the single days), or never ever cheat. I was crazy faithful that go around. I didn't even have cake on my birthday. Not that I'm planning on cheating a ton. But my life was very different. I didn't have birthday parties to throw, play groups to plan, and children who deserve home-made cookies and fun treats from time to time; at least on holidays...right? But I know I can do this my way, and seriously make a change in my life...
...and get this healthy size 6 body back! Heck...I'll even settle for a size 8 or 10.
(Laguna Beach California, April 2006)
So what does all this mean for my little blog...well I purposely named my blog "Mindika Moments" for a reason. When I started blogging I wasn't sure I'd be able to blog about recipes forever. I knew then that I had a lot of interests and hobbies; food just happened to be one of them. I didn't want to start just a "recipe" blog. I wanted my blog to be about all kinds of things. I think I even stated that in one of my very first posts. Somehow it just morphed into primarily a "recipe" blog. Well, that worked for awhile and I had a lot of fun creating and sharing all my recipes, but it's time for a change. I'm not going to put any category limitations on myself. I hope to post once a week or so, about anything and everything that may be going on in my life. Whether it's my diet, crafting, cleaning, decorating, motherhood, family life, my recent obsession with Pinterest...every topic will be fair game. I may even throw in a recipe from time to time. Most likely they'll be healthy recipes, but I won't post them unless they're really good! I promise.
So for the 10 of you that still check in on me...the 10 close friends I have that have been bugging me to update my blog. I love you for your interest and support! I hope you'll still read, even if it's not all about food!
Love ya!
Reese Quotes
5 years ago
Yeah! I've been wondering what happened to you. I haven't ever commented before but I have missed your blog. And I'm kind of excited to hear about "real life" moments. And admittedly curious about this diet plan you have going. I'm 5 weeks away from delivery of my first baby and am getting anxious to "get in gear" again as far as an exercise routine, etc. Looking forward to your posts.
I still check in from time to time.. :) we've never met, but I love your blog! Welcome back!! and i'm in the same boat with you and the weight loss.. LETs Do THIS! :)
Ok tried to leave a comment and Dave just got me this new computer and I don't have it all figured out yet. Apparently I deleted my comment. Nice. Anyway as I said before...I figured you were busy being mom. It's a great part of life and definitely busy. I look forward to getting to know the new you! I love the old you, but change is always good. Good luck with your weight loss. I am trying to get healthy too. Loves.
Cool! I'm excited! When it gets warmer lets exercise together!
You don't know me, either, but I'm excited your back. I was a faithful follower of your blog and will continue to be so. I love blogging....I actually follow too many but it's my entertainment and I love it. I would like to know your weight secrets, too. I need to lose at least 50 lbs. I really struggle with the yo-yo diet syndrome. Keep blogging, but take most of your time for your babies...they grow up too fast.
You're amazing, Mindi and I know you will accomplish all of your goals. You are a Make Up Your Mind And Make It Happen person. I admire you!
Yeah Mindy! I am excited! I feel like I am always having to cook healthy--so I am excited for any recipes you post! I need help there! But you are the kind of person who can do a variety blog! I am also excited for you and your goals. You can do it!
Fun to hear from you! I have checked in from time to time, but also knew you were probably soaking in every moment with those two adorable kids, as you should be! Ü
I'm working on some similar health goals this year, too. I know you can do ot, and look forward to hearing about your adventures along the way, whatever they may be. Ü
Thanks everyone for all your love and support. For those that are interested in my dieting methods, I promise I'll blog about that in the near future. I just have a couple of pretty busy weeks ahead of me...lots of family stuff going on...including a nephew leaving on a mission and a house full of family hear for the big send off. So as soon as I get some free time I'll do a nice long post about all the things I'm doing and some of my tips and techniques.
So glad you're back. I missed your posts! I am so happy for you and your excitement and commitment to this new goal. I will be anxiously awaiting your posts on how it's going. Have you heard of She has opened my eyes to healthy eating and I have felt better in the last 2 months than ever. Drinking my green smoothies is really helping my sugar cravings, too. I am learning to make different treats (more natural sugars) for my kids. I've realized lately that it is up to ME to help them understand food/sugar addictions and to do all I can to NOT let them become food/sugar addicts, like their Mom. (I believe mine started at a young age, before we all knew how addicting sugar could be.) Anyway, love you and will see you soon....!!!!
Jules...I just miss you. I feel like I haven't seen you forever!!! Are you going to Dana & Norms homecoming on Sunday??? I haven't heard of but I do know all about green smoothies. I drink one every morning for breakfast. Love love love them! When I lost weight bofore I drank them all the time. Green smoothies and Zone protein bars are how I curbed my sweet tooth...oh and Orbit bubble mint gum. LOL Can't live with out my sugar free gum. Anyway, It's funny you bring that up, because my next post is going to be a couple of my favorite green smoothie recipes. You should send me some of your favorites. Anyway, I love you and hope we get to see each other soon.
glad you're back and your plan sounds PERFECT!
bring it, 2012. BRING. IT.
Yay! Your gonna rock it Mindi! I know you can do it! Glad your back cause I still read your bloggity blog! ;)
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