Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm a sweat pant, yoga pant...any kind of comfy pant kind of mom...

And I make no apologies for it!

So I have a little rant that's been going through my head for the last few days. I just had to share it with you.  It started on Wednesday morning when I was watching one of those morning shows which shall remain nameless. The host announced, "coming up next, a fashion segment for mom's". Here we go...another one of those "come on mom's, let's stop wearing those sweat pants and start wearing something fashionable and comfortable that won't make you look like a frumpy mommy" segments. I know you've all seen these segments on any number of day time television talk shows. And I'm just going to say it...They bug the HELL out of me!

Here's why...

I want to know why all these celebrity stylist, magazine editor, fashion designer people think they know the first thing about what it's like to be a full time mom. The so called "fashionable yet comfortable" outfits they usually suggest end up being all too fashionable, none too comfortable...and definitely anything but practical.

The first mom they featured started out in a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt. They gave her the make-over and she appeared in skinny jeans, a beautiful belted tunic sweater and stiletto boots. The designer explained the outfit, "Isn't this such a great alternative to the sweatsuit. Doesn't she look great. The jeans have a little stretch, the sweater is flattering and able to hide curves, and those boots add a little sexiness..." bla, bla, bla bla! Are you freaking kidding me??!! No mom could wear that and be a mom. Maybe on a hot date with her husband on a Friday night, or out to lunch with her girlfriends...but not when she's on "mom duty".

Here's the thing, on any given day I bend over, squat down, and end up on my knees at least six dozen times before the sun goes down. I get spit up on, peed on, and used as a human napkin sometimes all before lunch. Don't get me started on the hours after lunch. I usually end up on the floor playing human jungle gym, barbies, dance party, or picking up Cheerios and gold fish crackers that have been crushed into the carpet. I get food thrown at me and juice spilled down the front of me. I finger paint, hot glue, and Elmer's glue. I prep food, feed food, clean up food, and if I'm lucky I successfully avoid flying food. I play toys, pick up toys, wipe noses, change diapers, clean toilets, kiss boo boos, dry tears, sing songs, fold laundry, Iron clothes...need I go on?? This is my job. It's not a pretty's not a perfect job...but I love my job. I love what I do...most days anyway...and I love my uniform.

Yes, my uniform is sweat pants, yoga pants...any kind of comfy pants. Can you blame me?

You don't see all the talk shows criticizing nurses for their uniforms. You'll never hear them say, "Come on you nurses, let's stop wearing those boring unflattering scrubs and start wearing something more fashionable yet comfortable. Something that won't make you feel soooo...nursy. You don't need to dress boring just to take care of people all day! It doesn't matter if the grumpy man in room 101 pees on your Prada boots. And that kid in room 201 didn't mean to throw up on your wool sweater. What matters is that you look good and feel good! Right?"  And no one's out there telling the construction workers, "Seriously guys...those hard hats do nothing for you. And those steel toed boots need to be burned. Just because a one ton object could fall on your head at any given moment, you don't have to sacrifice your identity in style." No, you don't hear anyone saying those things! That would be ridiculous.

So why do all the haters come out of the wood work for the mom wardrobe?

Listen, don't get me wrong here. I still like to get dressed up. I like nice clothes. I like to feel fashionable. After all, in my former life, I worked in the fashion industry. I wore stiletto's every day and never left the house without my hair done and a designer hand bag over my shoulder. Ok, so maybe they were knock of hand bags...I wasn't that rich.  But now I save that for after hours. Like date night, lunch with friends, church, and the rare day out by myself to just shop and be kid free. I still try to look a little nice on a daily basis. I shower (most days). I try to do my hair and wear a little make-up, but then I slip in to my uniform. Those sweat pants and t-shirt are my friend. They don't care that they're about to get snot wiped all over them. They know I'll give them a bath at the end of the day too.

So listen up all you Tim Gunn's of the world...opps...I wasn't going to name names...sorry. Stop telling me to get rid of my sweat pants. Just keep mentoring all those Project Runway designers (love that show). They need your help a lot more than I do. Don't worry, I'll look you up in a few years when my kids learn how to use a tissue and wipe their own bums; when I can safely wean designer clothes back into my wardrobe. There's a time and season...right?? Let me have my sweat pant, yoga pant...any kind of comfy pant season. I'm cool with should be too. After all, I just may have spent the last hour doing this...


I could have posted a picture of me cleaning up throw-up...but I thought I'd spare you.

And to all you fashionista mom's out there that do somehow pull off the daily motherhood workload while sporting designer jeans and cashmere. I applaud you! If you can make it work...then work it! Just don't judge me when I run into you at the grocery store in my yoga pants :) and no...I didn't just come from yoga class!

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Stew and Lindsey Campbell said...

AMEN sista!!!! Ditto to everything! Thanks for posting this and helping me know I'm not the only sweat pant, yoga pant, any kind of comfy pant-wearing mom! :)

Lindy said...

I love this so much! Thank you for posting! You're an amazing mom and I love your comparison to other uniforms. Love it!

pam said...

Hahahahahaha!!! Perfect! I agree with you one-hundred-percent!!!

Annie Nielson said...

I agree 100%! I'm a stay at home mom and try (try is the key word) to do some kind of chore during the day (and I LOVE cleaning with bleach) so why would I want to wear something nice to clean in and possibly ruin?

* Nancy * said...

Great post, I enjoyed every word!!

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