Wednesday, September 8, 2010


In case you're wondering, I'm still alive. I've had a rough week with extreme morning sickness, night sickness, and all round fatigue. But that's a "good" thing...right? I guess it means that hormones are still working their magic, as they should. The good new is that I had my first ultrasound last Friday and we got our first glimpse and Reese's soon to be baby brother or sister. She was very excited, and so were we!

Don't worry I do have some fun upcoming posts I'm working on. But for today you can check me out over at Or So She Say's. I'm thrilled to be a guest blogger for the day, where you can learn all about my family tradition of donut making and get my grandma's amazing recipe!

I hope you'll stop by!

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1 comment:

* Nancy * said...

Glad to hear that your body is taking care of your baby - it's a miracle in itself!
Goodness, your doughnuts look DELICIOUS!
Happy Friday.

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