I've spent the morning throwing up...baby related, attempting to potty train...I may be crazy, and reading this book....
Reese Quotes
5 years ago
At this moment I am just Me, The real me, only me.
Not wishing I were another, Not pretending I were another. Not envying another, Not controlling another. Not competing with another, Not hiding behind another.
Facing the demands of me, Alone, unmasked, imperfect, me.
I am happy, in this moment of Me!
Mindika Nordfelt Thiebaud ©
I agree! It was fast paced but somewhat anti-climatic and just darn depressing! I had a hard time not allowing it to stress/depress me the couple of days I spent reading it!
Good luck with the potty training and I'm glad to hear the pregnancy is still going well enough to make you sick! (That sounds wierd but since it is the high hormone levels making you sick, that bodes well for the pregnancy, right?)
Sending prayers your way!
I agree as well. I kind of feel like the author just gave up at the end. I liked the book but thought the end was a let down.
I hope you start feeling better!
The end was a let down. But then you think about what they went through and their lives would be messed up forever, just like Haymitch. I understand him more now.
Good job on the throwing up (sorry), potty training sucks, and I really liked Mockingjay but definitely thought she spent too much time on details at first, then ran out of time at the end. But maybe it was a good thing because it was starting to keep me up at night and make me depressed!
Was disappointed as well. Loved the first two books, and the beginning of Mockingjay, but was disappointed in the end. :(
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